Comment: | APRS Igate 144.390 Mhz T=24° H=34% P=793 |
Location: | 19°04.85' N 98°15.94' W - locator EK09UB89CJ - show map 297.0 m South bearing 159° from Cuautlancingo, Puebla, Mexico [?] 2.7 km Southwest bearing 218° from Sanctórum, Puebla, Mexico 87.8 km East bearing 110° from Iztapalapa, The Federal District, Mexico 98.3 km Southeast bearing 113° from Mexico City, The Federal District, Mexico |
Last position: | 2025-03-12 09:05:52 UTC (13m26s ago) 2025-03-12 03:05:52 CST local time at Cuautlancingo, Mexico [?] |
Last telemetry: | 2025-03-12 09:06:23 UTC (12m55s ago) 2025-03-12 03:06:23 CST local time at Cuautlancingo, Mexico [?] |
Values: | RxTraffic: 0 Pkt (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0) TxTraffic: 0 Pkt (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0) RxDrop: 0 Pkt (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0) RSSI: -61 dBm (TLM: 61 EQN: 0,-1,0) Voltage: 21 V (TLM: 21 EQN: 0,1,0) |