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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.032 s).
Stations near current position of KC9LGS
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
EW74482.4 km 268°2025-03-08 21:00:48 WI8T2.4 km 88°2025-03-08 21:00:25
K4GRO2.8 km 5°2025-03-06 02:54:34 EW74693.9 km 6°2025-03-08 21:09:06
DW10404.0 km 19°2025-03-08 21:00:32 CW78414.2 km 2°2025-03-08 21:05:37
KJ4YZI-94.5 km 242°2025-03-06 15:51:27 FW89345.0 km 267°2025-03-08 21:09:09
KM4CPU5.3 km 140°2025-02-12 01:55:13 TUG CATHERINE6.6 km 17°2025-03-08 21:09:36
WINDFALL7.1 km 18°2025-02-08 01:50:52 K4WOF7.3 km 87°2025-02-27 02:03:17
K2JJK-108.7 km 164°2025-03-08 20:18:42 K4WOF B8.7 km 93°2025-03-08 21:03:03
K4WOF-B8.7 km 93°2025-03-08 21:03:13 KK4ENI8.7 km 324°2025-02-15 22:18:06
W2VS-N10.0 km 153°2025-03-08 20:56:15 K4WOF-1010.7 km 85°2025-03-08 20:19:57
MLBSMWJ0A11.8 km 307°2025-03-05 22:16:28 FW704413.0 km 262°2025-03-08 21:09:27
36702512013.9 km 135°2025-03-08 21:04:22 KQ4VPW-1514.0 km 183°2025-03-02 21:29:41
KQ4VPW-914.0 km 183°2025-03-07 22:52:57 W3DK-1014.1 km 170°2025-03-08 20:56:12
W3DK14.1 km 170°2025-03-02 23:44:12 N44PH14.2 km 154°2025-03-02 14:05:30
COHO14.3 km 60°2025-03-05 09:50:07 K2JJK15.9 km 164°2025-03-07 22:36:11
HALIPENO16.2 km 137°2025-03-08 10:37:59 DIVEMASTER16.4 km 137°2025-03-08 21:05:24
K4VRB-N16.5 km 133°2025-02-26 08:10:07 WA4TCD-C16.5 km 149°2025-03-08 20:58:45
WA4TCD C16.5 km 149°2025-03-08 20:59:00 WA4TCD-B16.5 km 149°2025-03-08 20:58:45
WA4TCD B16.5 km 149°2025-03-08 20:59:00 WI9ARC-916.7 km 148°2025-03-06 21:33:39
FW357216.8 km 148°2025-03-08 21:10:12 CAMIE17.0 km 26°2025-02-11 22:07:20
KK4GGJ17.0 km 147°2025-03-08 17:02:30 FW706817.2 km 163°2025-03-08 21:05:25
PEACEFUL ONE17.2 km 17°2025-03-02 18:25:39 COASTAL QUEEN18.3 km 139°2025-03-08 10:35:57
REVERIE18.5 km 68°2025-03-08 21:08:33 DIASTEMA18.6 km 38°2025-02-09 17:07:43
DUTY PAID18.8 km 348°2025-02-09 18:18:30 DIANA18.9 km 141°2025-03-08 20:54:12
LUTHIEN19.3 km 18°2025-02-14 00:43:34 BLUE MOON X19.4 km 72°2025-03-08 12:34:05
DW722019.6 km 153°2025-03-08 21:01:01 KF4UJO-1019.7 km 154°2025-03-08 20:57:42
W4JEA-719.9 km 162°2025-02-12 20:20:57 W4JEA20.0 km 162°2025-03-08 14:06:26
PIPER20.0 km 59°2025-02-10 21:14:23 AG4OX20.0 km 306°2025-03-08 21:10:05
KB3NG-220.3 km 156°2025-02-11 18:14:03 LADY GOV21.3 km 348°2025-02-17 14:30:35
RUBY BELLE21.3 km 22°2025-02-18 20:51:27 N82XS21.7 km 343°2025-03-08 14:44:05
SWEET CAROLINE21.8 km 38°2025-02-26 19:29:07 N1KWH-Y22.2 km 160°2025-02-23 19:45:53
N1KWH-722.2 km 160°2025-03-06 15:59:55 WILD THINGS22.6 km 10°2025-03-03 23:59:54
CHANGING KEYS22.8 km 12°2025-03-03 16:45:07 CAROLINA GIRL23.0 km 14°2025-02-22 16:42:12
ANANAS23.1 km 347°2025-03-04 19:09:32 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE23.6 km 32°2025-03-08 14:37:05
BEN-VARREY24.1 km 347°2025-02-18 20:44:50 PERSEVERANCE24.3 km 13°2025-02-08 16:02:52
BUBBLES24.4 km 347°2025-02-13 16:40:50 AT LAST24.5 km 355°2025-02-27 13:27:46
ADVENTURESS24.7 km 19°2025-03-07 16:11:58 AUGUST SUN24.9 km 347°2025-02-12 20:42:52
CREAKY BONES25.0 km 10°2025-02-10 16:02:55 HOLD FAST25.0 km 347°2025-02-11 14:06:37
EW397125.4 km 319°2025-03-08 21:00:12 KG4ORQ-1025.5 km 155°2025-03-08 20:33:00
DELRIVER25.5 km 8°2025-02-12 14:04:15 N609FT25.6 km 313°2025-02-28 20:28:24
GETAWAY25.8 km 347°2025-02-25 18:47:49 N7266D26.6 km 322°2025-02-28 20:28:34
KI4HZP B26.8 km 330°2025-03-08 20:59:08 KI4HZP-B26.8 km 330°2025-03-08 20:59:18
EL-14617526.8 km 156°2025-03-08 21:08:55 146.775TC26.9 km 156°2025-03-08 21:06:32
AF4CN-327.0 km 155°2025-03-08 21:06:47 ENDEAVOUR27.0 km 5°2025-02-12 17:35:16
N627FT27.4 km 325°2025-02-28 20:28:40 LITTLE DARLIN27.5 km 346°2025-03-03 13:24:52
MS PROOST27.5 km 346°2025-02-26 15:28:05 NAUTI BUOY27.5 km 347°2025-03-07 13:02:08
BAKHITA27.5 km 346°2025-03-04 14:57:42 LADY NORTH27.6 km 346°2025-02-22 15:24:16
RAYLEIGH WAVES27.6 km 346°2025-02-10 13:41:47 FRONTEIRA27.7 km 346°2025-02-24 18:20:12
HONEY BADGER27.7 km 347°2025-02-21 14:53:36 SOLLER27.7 km 346°2025-03-08 14:24:52
S/V EAGLE SONG27.7 km 346°2025-03-06 21:15:15 PARKER27.7 km 9°2025-02-18 19:16:11
COSMICA27.7 km 346°2025-03-06 20:00:48 Squirrel28.0 km 321°2025-02-28 22:29:11
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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