Callsign: | MMAD9 |
MMSI number: | 235007275 |
IMO number: | 528852 |
Navigational status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Vessel class: | Fishing (30) |
Destination: | FISHING GROUND (ETA ***00 24:60) |
Location: | 50°26.51' N 3°31.65' W - locator IO80FK66QA - show map 2.6 km South bearing 201° from Torquay, Borough of Torbay, England, United Kingdom [?] 7.4 km Southeast bearing 149° from Kingskerswell, Devon, England, United Kingdom 117.9 km South bearing 192° from Cardiff, City and County of Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom 130.1 km Southwest bearing 210° from Bristol, City of Bristol, England, United Kingdom |
Last position: | 2024-10-07 07:51:44 UTC (1d 2h6m ago) 2024-10-07 08:51:44 BST local time at Torquay, United Kingdom [?] |
Course: | 10° – heading 312° |
Speed: | 1 km/h |
Dimensions: | length 16 m width 5 m draught 2.4 m |
Last path: | MMAD9>ais via GM7HHB |
Positions stored: | 111175 |