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APRS object R1048030 - show graphs
Source callsign: CE3FOT-15
Comment: VVertical=-15.7m/s Temperatura=4.1C Humedad=25.2% Presion=-1.0hPa 403.002 MHz Modelo=RS41-SG Serie=R1048030 Bateria=2.6V
Location: 34°09.13' S 70°57.19' W - locator FF45MU53PL - show map
19.3 km West bearing 276° from Rancagua, Provincia de Cachapoal, O'Higgins, Chile [?]
22.3 km Southwest bearing 245° from Graneros, Provincia de Cachapoal, O'Higgins, Chile
68.6 km Southwest bearing 210° from Puente Alto, Provincia de Cordillera, Metropolitana, Chile
82.2 km South bearing 200° from Santiago, Provincia de Santiago, Metropolitana, Chile
Last position: 2024-07-20 00:53:41 UTC (228d 22h48m ago)
2024-07-19 20:53:41 -04 local time at Rancagua, Chile [?]
Altitude: 3140 m
Course: 161°
Speed: 52 km/h
Last path: CE3FOT-15>APDW14 via TCPIP*,qAC,T2FRANCE
Positions stored: 278
Others sourced by CE3FOT-15: IMET0F33E IMET1A11E IMET1BD41 IMET51DA2 IMET54C4B IMET8B10B IMET94E2B IMETC5FDA IMETC831C IMETCED0C IMETD0DE9 IMETE0A26 IMETF2F83 IMETF9846 ME9D00697 ME9D00865 ME9D00878 ME9D00884 ME9D00893 ME9D01193 R1048019 R1048025 R1048026 R1048049 R1048050 R1048051 R1048052 R1048053 R1048058 R1048059 R1048061 R1048062 R1048064 R1048065 R1048066 R1048073 R1048076 R1048077 R1048078 R1048099 R1048100 R1048130 R1048131 R1048132 R1048169 T3560499 T3560515 T3560526 T3560531 T4110291 T4110350 T4110474 T4130391 T4130392 T4130395 T4130446 T4130447 T4130450 T4130461 T4140165 T4140224 T4140225 T4140226 T4140227 T4140228 T4140309 T4140313 T4140325 T4140326 T4140327 T4140338 T4140560 T4140561 T4140571 T4140572 T4140574 T4140575 T4140576 T4140636 T4140649 T4140656 T4140658 T4140661 T4140666 T4140674 T4140681 T4140682 T4140683 T4150253 T4150255 T4150256 T4150257 T4150338 T4150341 T4150342 T4150360 U3044127 U3130333 U3130355 U3140973 U3140974 U3140975 U3140976 U3140977 U3140978 U3140985 U3140987 U3140988 U3140990 U3141024 U3141028 U3141063 U3150732 U3160631 U3160632 U3160782 U3160795 U3160796 U3160797 U3210239 U3210704 U3210706 U3210718 U3210720 U3210738 U3210817 U3210818 U3210820 U3210821 U3210823 U3210826 U3210831 U3210904 V0820554 V0820566 V0820579 V0820581 V0840648 V0840666 V0840674 V3221016 V3221150 V3241470 V3410299 V3410302 V3420306 V3420307 V3420309 V3420312 V3420655 V3420656 V3420657 V3420658 V3420659 V3420963 V3420965 V3420973 V3420974 V3420975 V3420978 V3421042 V3421043 V3421053 V3421055 V3421056 V3421057 V3421061 V3421062 V3421122 V3421124 V3421125 V3421126 V3421143 V3421144 V3421145 V3421195 V3421196 V3421197 V3421226 V3421228 V3421229 V3421387 V3421388 V3421390 V3421414 V3421415 V3430002 V3430005 V3430038 V3430039 V3430040 V3430041 V3430043 V3430045 V3430048 V3430063 V3430070 V3430072 V3430081 V3430084 V3430093 V3430113 V3430124 V3430126 V3430128 V3430130 V3430132 V3430282 V3430469 V3430473 V3430474 V3430476 V3430477 V3430479 V3430481 V3430482 V3430483 V3430484 V3430485 V3430486 V3430488 V3430489 V3430490 V3430491 V3430492 V3430585 V3430660 V3430662 V3430855 V3430857 V3430901 V3430930 V3431000 V3431039 V3431041 V3431048 V3431049 V3431050 V3431052 V3431053 V3431060 V3431075 V3431096 V3431173 V3431334 V3431335 V3431336 V3431337 V3431339 V3431370 V3460187 V3460189 V3460443 V3460444 V3460517 V3460522 V3460548 V3460549 V3460550 V3460554 V3460555 V3460556 V3460557 V3460560 V3460561 V3460563 V3460564 V3460568 V3460572 V3460573 V3460576 V3460577 V3460578 V3460597 V3460600 V3460608 V3460609 V3460611 V3460612 V3460615 V3460617 V3460619 V3460621 V3460622 V3460623 V3460625 V3460627 V3460630 V3460664 V3460703 V3460704 V3460707 V3461547 V3461553 V3461555 V3461556 V3461559 V3461560 V3461563 V3461564 V3461568 V3461571 V3461574 V3461615 V3461619 V3461622 V3461623 V3461625 V3461633 V3461634 V3461635 V3461636 V3461643 V3461647 V3461648 V3461649 V3461652 V3610454 W2254168 W3230194 W3230250 W3230251 W3230565 W3230566 W3230567 W3230568 W3230571 W3251024 W3251103 W3310013 W3310014 W3310016 W3310017 W3310018 W3310037 W3310043 W3310045 W3310050 W3310057 W3310060 W3310062 W3310068 W3310083 W3310084 W3320330 W3320332 W3320336 W3320340
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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