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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.015 s).
Stations near current position of SAR KA-08
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
SAR KA -0617.5 m 162°2025-02-28 12:32:58 LV WARSHIP P-0965.0 m 143°2025-02-21 08:32:08
SPANACO ADVENTURE851.2 m 360°2025-02-26 08:48:53 BALTIC ARROW1.3 km 308°2025-03-02 12:01:45
RIX FLEVO1.3 km 308°2025-02-25 20:17:11 AMBER SKY1.6 km 333°2025-03-02 06:25:17
PODHALE1.9 km 110°2025-03-03 20:58:53 ASTRA2.5 km 116°2025-03-03 07:25:54
JAMES2.5 km 114°2025-02-26 21:19:31 5717232.6 km 120°2025-02-11 15:06:21
Mangalsal3.0 km 325°2025-03-05 12:01:05 HUMBER RUNNER3.0 km 321°2025-03-03 13:46:24
VARMA3.0 km 121°2025-03-02 11:43:23 LIVA3.1 km 121°2025-03-03 12:23:11
LAURA3.2 km 121°2025-03-02 11:49:30 DACE PILOT3.3 km 321°2025-03-01 12:18:54
STELLA3.7 km 136°2025-03-03 18:10:29 YEOMAN4.0 km 137°2025-02-11 10:20:52
DINA5.0 km 320°2025-02-25 09:49:47 SWAMI5.2 km 117°2025-02-25 08:13:57
NORDIC HERO5.3 km 115°2025-02-23 06:14:39 GAUJA5.3 km 144°2025-03-03 13:46:24
BONACIEUX5.3 km 109°2025-03-03 12:47:33 LADY CLARISSA5.4 km 110°2025-03-03 19:37:47
ERLEND5.5 km 145°2025-03-03 13:32:13 SFINKSA5.5 km 145°2025-03-05 10:13:37
SANTA5.6 km 145°2025-03-05 02:08:29 ASTRAHANA5.7 km 128°2025-02-26 19:45:48
DMITRIJS5.8 km 127°2025-02-25 00:06:07 RIX ONYX6.2 km 136°2025-03-03 12:41:28
GAS ARJUNA6.5 km 318°2025-03-03 18:55:12 MARE6.5 km 157°2025-03-02 00:26:11
TARZAN7.3 km 157°2025-03-03 19:11:24 YL3NO-18.7 km 192°2025-03-05 12:04:05
YL3IM-79.8 km 151°2025-03-03 06:58:54 YL3GY-D10.2 km 158°2025-03-05 11:54:48
YL3GY-R10.2 km 158°2025-03-05 11:54:38 YL3RIM10.9 km 144°2025-03-04 01:40:43
YL3GY-511.5 km 154°2025-02-15 11:59:55 YL3CAAG12.8 km 120°2025-03-05 12:05:03
YL3CAAG-512.8 km 120°2025-02-25 19:54:42 GW208913.2 km 169°2025-03-05 12:03:35
HAMBURG TRADER14.2 km 321°2025-03-05 10:05:31 YL3RCL14.2 km 167°2025-03-05 11:43:19
YL2RMK14.2 km 167°2025-03-05 12:04:19 YL3ARD-1015.7 km 240°2025-03-05 12:04:05
YL3ROO17.2 km 59°2025-03-05 12:04:32 YL3OO-1017.3 km 59°2025-03-05 11:57:24
YL3CL-817.8 km 178°2025-02-24 19:00:03 P-YL3RCL17.9 km 178°2025-03-05 12:00:05
YL3CL-1017.9 km 178°2025-03-05 12:02:05 YL3CL17.9 km 178°2025-03-05 11:43:36
YL3CL-517.9 km 178°2025-02-23 19:24:38 YL3AQY-124.8 km 111°2025-02-24 12:31:41
YL3AMD B27.4 km 187°2025-02-25 16:53:37 YL3AMD-B27.4 km 187°2025-02-25 16:53:47
PILOT SKULTE37.4 km 36°2025-03-02 14:12:13 UNA40.3 km 352°2025-03-02 14:20:23
FW291847.4 km 87°2025-03-05 12:03:00 LUCITA48.5 km 319°2025-03-05 10:05:31
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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