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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.033 s).
Stations near current position of KC3WWB-12
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KC3WWB-211.5 m 47°2025-03-08 21:06:59 KC3WWD-911.5 m 47°2025-03-08 20:06:34
KC3WWD-273.0 m 30°2025-03-06 13:03:05 KC3WWB-990.1 m 223°2025-03-07 23:18:39
GW5292974.3 m 305°2025-03-08 21:00:17 N3XKU1.6 km 326°2025-03-08 20:56:37
WE3C4.6 km 143°2025-03-08 21:01:00 KC3BVR-36.3 km 308°2025-03-08 15:36:10
W3MFD-N7.5 km 183°2025-03-05 15:30:33 W3MFD B7.5 km 183°2025-03-05 15:36:53
W3MFD-B7.5 km 183°2025-03-05 15:37:03 W3UCA B7.5 km 183°2025-03-08 20:49:54
W3UCA-B7.5 km 183°2025-03-08 20:50:04 W3UCA-D7.5 km 183°2025-03-08 20:54:55
W3UCA-17.5 km 183°2025-03-08 21:01:54 FW76728.9 km 16°2025-03-08 21:09:03
EW84459.4 km 146°2025-03-08 21:00:06 EW319011.5 km 196°2025-03-08 21:05:24
AC3DI-N12.4 km 217°2025-03-08 21:08:17 AC3DI-D12.4 km 217°2025-03-08 21:08:27
N3PVZ-912.7 km 234°2025-03-08 19:45:06 NQ3U-1012.9 km 281°2025-03-08 20:46:52
K3TI-B12.9 km 281°2025-03-08 21:07:36 K3TI-C12.9 km 281°2025-03-08 21:07:36
K3TI B12.9 km 281°2025-03-08 21:07:51 K3TI C12.9 km 281°2025-03-08 21:07:51
NQ3U-913.4 km 294°2025-03-02 17:25:08 DW987213.6 km 112°2025-03-08 21:00:17
GW555914.4 km 336°2025-03-08 21:00:57 N3JZE-DP14.7 km 66°2025-03-08 20:53:32
N3JZE B14.7 km 66°2025-03-08 20:58:59 N3JZE-B14.7 km 66°2025-03-08 20:59:09
DW573114.7 km 183°2025-03-08 21:00:19 KC3SYB-715.3 km 177°2025-02-21 12:33:12
N3VMT-916.1 km 208°2025-02-27 15:55:28 AG3T17.2 km 162°2025-03-08 21:10:02
EW157817.5 km 61°2025-03-08 21:00:23 N3TDE-117.6 km 317°2025-02-22 16:53:41
FW170317.9 km 216°2025-03-08 21:01:00 EW099118.0 km 69°2025-03-08 21:00:20
W3WT19.2 km 16°2025-02-09 19:24:06 CW411319.5 km 219°2025-03-08 21:03:05
CW315719.8 km 129°2025-03-08 20:58:55 DW661520.8 km 49°2025-03-08 21:08:51
FW586322.0 km 39°2025-03-08 21:10:07 EW743123.0 km 87°2025-03-08 21:00:08
K3XR-1323.3 km 228°2025-03-07 23:55:26 GW425823.9 km 30°2025-03-08 21:08:23
W3DRK-1024.0 km 131°2025-03-08 21:04:33 N3WR24.1 km 25°2025-03-08 21:00:04
GW021524.5 km 47°2025-03-08 21:00:27 W2CMH-R26.1 km 182°2025-03-08 20:56:35
N3RLS26.2 km 331°2025-03-01 23:28:17 W3PLG-B26.7 km 71°2025-03-08 21:05:47
WA3PNY-726.7 km 71°2025-02-19 21:50:36 N3RPV-726.8 km 58°2025-03-05 01:54:23
N3RPV-1226.8 km 58°2025-03-05 03:32:43 N3RPV-226.8 km 58°2025-03-05 01:56:51
KC3QLX27.5 km 348°2025-03-08 21:05:54 N3VKK-D27.6 km 61°2025-02-26 04:36:06
N3VKK27.6 km 61°2025-03-03 18:48:56 N3OUC-227.9 km 75°2025-03-08 21:10:05
WA3WLH-1028.0 km 103°2025-03-08 21:04:46 W3PLG-1028.6 km 72°2025-03-08 20:56:22
W3PLG-528.6 km 72°2025-03-08 20:56:24 KC3QBI-928.9 km 60°2025-02-17 11:05:51
W3CJW B29.0 km 132°2025-02-22 02:23:40 W3CJW-B29.0 km 132°2025-02-22 02:23:50
GW482329.3 km 113°2025-03-08 21:10:14 K3NTR-929.4 km 70°2025-03-08 17:07:54
KC3HRV-N29.4 km 125°2025-03-08 20:57:56 KC3HRV-1029.4 km 125°2025-03-08 20:49:03
KC3HRV-D29.4 km 125°2025-03-08 21:01:43 K3NTR-1029.8 km 68°2025-03-08 20:46:53
FW248330.1 km 125°2025-03-08 21:09:41 EW586030.3 km 150°2025-03-08 21:00:16
KE3HG-230.4 km 144°2025-03-08 21:03:01 FW774830.6 km 25°2025-03-08 21:10:17
KC3UTO30.7 km 99°2025-03-07 15:45:41 WB3IGR30.9 km 248°2025-03-08 21:08:06
K3TE31.1 km 347°2025-03-08 21:00:59 DW079331.6 km 299°2025-03-08 21:08:04
KE3HG-1031.9 km 141°2025-03-08 20:30:30 KB3GGH32.0 km 301°2025-03-08 21:07:48
FW707132.1 km 126°2025-03-08 21:07:16 W3PLG-1132.6 km 56°2025-03-01 23:42:16
N3WGH32.8 km 71°2025-02-19 20:26:47 N3WGH-132.8 km 71°2025-03-03 00:19:48
K3KAP-932.9 km 312°2025-03-06 20:58:13 N3RLS-1433.1 km 337°2025-03-07 14:26:01
W3SGT-D36.0 km 64°2025-03-08 03:02:01 CW696336.3 km 94°2025-03-08 21:00:31
KC3NQT C36.6 km 121°2025-03-08 20:01:43 KC3NQT-C36.6 km 121°2025-03-08 20:01:53
GW049236.7 km 55°2025-03-08 21:00:19 KC2ABV-R37.0 km 61°2025-03-08 21:05:53
KC2ABV37.0 km 61°2025-03-08 21:01:39 W3DFX-937.2 km 341°2025-02-23 21:32:48
GW085137.3 km 316°2025-03-08 21:00:09 KB3ZAE-N37.4 km 62°2025-03-04 16:48:46
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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