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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.038 s).
Stations near current position of GM/SS-143
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
GM0SCA-D2.5 km 249°2025-02-26 20:15:27 GM0SCA B2.5 km 250°2025-02-26 20:14:48
GM0SCA-B2.5 km 250°2025-02-26 20:14:58 GM0SCA-N2.5 km 249°2025-02-21 14:41:33
GM/SS-1452.6 km 33°2025-02-15 14:24:58 GM/SS-1283.9 km 340°2025-03-01 18:57:28
MM0UHR/P3.9 km 340°2025-03-01 16:57:12 GM1MSS-DP12.7 km 80°2025-02-22 17:53:25
MM3NTX-912.9 km 81°2025-02-27 00:34:07 MM3NTX-D12.9 km 81°2025-03-05 19:24:54
MM3NTX-N12.9 km 81°2025-03-02 23:47:12 MM3NTX-1312.9 km 81°2025-03-05 19:33:05
GM4KNU/P13.1 km 115°2025-03-04 14:12:20 GM/SS-05213.1 km 115°2025-03-04 12:38:59
GM0DXI B16.2 km 272°2025-03-05 19:29:25 GM0DXI-B16.2 km 272°2025-03-05 19:29:25
GM0DXI-516.2 km 272°2025-02-12 22:45:42 GM0DXI-916.2 km 272°2025-03-05 19:20:08
GM/SS-14416.7 km 116°2025-02-19 11:06:09 MM3NTX-517.3 km 45°2025-03-01 15:31:07
GM/SS-06418.5 km 259°2025-02-07 11:06:29 MM0VPM18.5 km 259°2025-02-07 12:12:43
GM/SS-13322.6 km 100°2025-02-22 14:12:25 MM0IVR/P22.6 km 100°2025-02-22 16:10:20
GM/SS-12524.3 km 12°2025-03-01 16:35:16 MM0VPM/P24.3 km 12°2025-03-01 15:39:43
M0VPM-724.7 km 13°2025-03-01 15:49:39 GM4UQD-225.4 km 349°2025-03-05 19:40:09
MM7GIR-DP27.8 km 335°2025-02-22 17:53:25 GM4UQD-D29.4 km 342°2025-03-05 19:20:10
GM4UQD-Y29.4 km 342°2025-03-05 19:40:00 GM7HHB29.6 km 355°2025-03-05 19:41:21
GB7KN-DP29.6 km 355°2025-03-05 19:27:20 GM7HHB-1029.6 km 355°2025-02-07 18:21:42
GB7LV-DP29.7 km 341°2025-03-05 19:27:20 GM/SS-17130.1 km 16°2025-03-05 19:38:06
MM0PWM30.8 km 350°2025-02-23 18:04:21 MM0WRO B31.4 km 11°2025-03-05 19:20:43
MM0WRO-B31.4 km 11°2025-03-05 19:20:53 MM0WRO-N31.4 km 11°2025-03-05 19:37:13
MM3GBL-N32.1 km 341°2025-03-05 19:39:13 EW471932.5 km 18°2025-03-05 19:40:31
GM4UQD-432.5 km 342°2025-02-09 14:31:07 MM0MGM-D32.6 km 15°2025-03-05 19:30:03
GM8ARV-N32.7 km 19°2025-03-05 19:23:11 GM8ARV-D32.7 km 19°2025-03-05 19:22:52
GM/SS-21232.9 km 91°2025-02-19 19:50:17 MM0UHR-1033.3 km 16°2025-03-05 18:42:56
GM0DQC-1033.4 km 275°2025-02-10 23:35:10 GM0DQC-Y33.4 km 275°2025-02-10 23:50:21
MM3GBL-Y33.4 km 341°2025-03-01 21:46:13 MM0UHR-733.6 km 16°2025-03-05 14:42:13
MM7TQM34.2 km 17°2025-03-04 21:05:54 GM3SRV-934.3 km 8°2025-02-18 12:22:08
GM7RYR-334.5 km 17°2025-03-05 18:34:21 GM4ZTO-934.5 km 17°2025-03-02 21:03:22
MM3BUZ34.5 km 17°2025-02-06 16:14:49 2M0LAS-934.5 km 17°2025-02-06 12:37:17
MM3BUZ-934.5 km 17°2025-02-27 13:28:45 MM0VPM-734.5 km 32°2025-03-04 20:32:08
MM0VPM-1034.5 km 32°2025-03-05 12:34:27 GM7RYR-234.5 km 17°2025-03-05 19:27:05
GM7RYR-534.6 km 17°2025-02-14 11:40:31 GM7RYR-1034.6 km 17°2025-03-05 14:06:00
GM7RYR-934.7 km 18°2025-03-04 22:12:37 GM/SS-21135.0 km 77°2025-02-27 11:38:08
GM7RYR-D35.1 km 19°2025-02-21 14:18:17 2M0LAS-D35.1 km 332°2025-03-05 14:37:04
MM7GJY-1035.1 km 346°2025-02-24 23:50:43 GM7RYR35.2 km 18°2025-02-27 15:06:01
GM0ERT-DP35.3 km 359°2025-03-05 19:30:15 GM7OBI-1035.4 km 358°2025-02-11 20:26:21
GM0PXV35.4 km 8°2025-03-01 18:54:00 GM7RYR-735.7 km 20°2025-03-05 19:09:35
GM0WDD B35.7 km 31°2025-03-03 21:36:57 GM0WDD-B35.7 km 31°2025-03-03 21:37:07
W3/GM0WDD-i36.0 km 31°2025-02-17 21:53:26 GB7EU-D36.1 km 16°2025-02-07 22:23:01
GB7EU-N36.1 km 16°2025-02-07 21:23:09 GB3ED-D36.1 km 16°2025-03-05 19:23:10
GM4MCV-D36.3 km 92°2025-03-05 19:39:55 GM4MCV-936.3 km 92°2025-02-09 14:35:01
GM4UPX-236.4 km 92°2025-03-03 10:01:30 GM4UPX-136.4 km 92°2025-03-02 07:58:05
GM4UPX-536.4 km 92°2025-02-06 14:21:00 MB6JD-136.4 km 92°2025-02-05 10:54:51
GM/SS-25436.8 km 335°2025-02-22 08:49:35 M0WTQ-DP36.8 km 16°2025-03-05 19:30:15
GM/SS-12336.9 km 227°2025-02-08 14:01:24 2M1GYX37.1 km 18°2025-02-10 19:46:12
IEDINB5737.2 km 21°2025-03-05 19:40:49 2M0ONN-937.7 km 15°2025-03-05 09:46:30
M0XAO-737.8 km 15°2025-02-07 11:19:41 MM3NDH-1338.0 km 17°2025-02-09 00:13:14
MB7UFC-1038.1 km 17°2025-03-05 19:37:52 GM/SS-27238.1 km 20°2025-03-05 19:01:16
MM0NJH/P38.1 km 20°2025-02-05 16:14:08 2E0FQC38.1 km 17°2025-02-18 10:17:30
EW338138.4 km 296°2025-03-05 19:32:29 MM3NDH-1138.5 km 6°2025-02-08 10:55:44
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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