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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of FS77F1-N
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
F5TEB-N11.2 km 67°2025-02-28 10:29:45 F4HFD-911.9 km 37°2025-03-08 16:08:15
F8KSM12.9 km 71°2025-03-13 21:43:21 F1TRN-R14.1 km 88°2025-03-13 21:58:07
F8KSM-314.5 km 80°2025-03-13 22:09:39 F4FWW-715.1 km 39°2025-03-12 18:08:12
F4FWW-1015.2 km 39°2025-03-13 22:08:39 F4FWW-D15.2 km 39°2025-03-04 09:40:16
F4JHW-916.7 km 65°2025-03-08 13:59:46 F1NVW17.2 km 334°2025-03-13 21:48:44
F4JLK-917.9 km 343°2025-02-14 17:42:28 F5KEE18.5 km 338°2025-03-13 22:01:12
F5ZDR-DP19.4 km 307°2025-03-13 22:11:03 F4LHR B20.2 km 8°2025-03-13 22:11:18
F4LHR-B20.2 km 8°2025-03-13 22:11:28 F4LHR-R20.2 km 8°2025-03-13 22:12:26
F4LUX-821.0 km 77°2025-03-08 16:55:59 F1TIT-1021.2 km 31°2025-03-05 08:23:31
F5TMB21.3 km 339°2025-03-13 22:04:20 F5BNH-921.8 km 87°2025-03-13 17:25:49
F4GJD C22.5 km 263°2025-03-13 22:07:01 F4GJD-C22.5 km 263°2025-03-13 22:07:11
DW362323.6 km 325°2025-03-13 22:00:20 EL-F5JRN23.9 km 352°2025-03-02 09:00:14
F4KNK24.3 km 248°2025-03-13 17:54:45 F1GBD-1025.1 km 117°2025-03-13 21:59:57
F1BIV-225.5 km 169°2025-02-23 09:55:21 F8COD-725.7 km 8°2025-03-13 12:02:47
F8COD-1325.7 km 8°2025-03-13 22:10:18 F8COD-125.7 km 8°2025-03-09 10:38:19
F8COD-1025.7 km 8°2025-03-13 21:03:36 F8COD-225.7 km 8°2025-03-12 07:15:30
F1GBD-1225.9 km 109°2025-02-22 19:47:55 LU2CJM26.3 km 332°2025-03-13 22:05:27
F6JIG B26.6 km 285°2025-02-28 23:10:55 F6JIG-B26.6 km 285°2025-02-28 23:11:05
EL-F1ZVA26.9 km 342°2025-02-19 12:05:25 F4DIW26.9 km 15°2025-03-13 22:03:30
F4DIW-1127.0 km 15°2025-03-13 22:05:19 F4DIW-927.0 km 15°2025-03-13 21:21:08
F4GVV-N27.3 km 322°2025-03-13 21:56:13 F4GVV-DP27.3 km 322°2025-03-13 22:11:03
FW469927.6 km 316°2025-03-13 22:12:10 DR300U-928.0 km 344°2025-03-06 11:07:38
F4GFJ-728.2 km 360°2025-02-28 16:14:37 F4GFK-728.2 km 358°2025-02-17 13:47:25
F4GQK-1328.3 km 63°2025-03-13 22:05:21 F4GQK-928.3 km 63°2025-03-13 21:39:54
F6ZBY-1028.6 km 47°2025-03-13 21:58:11 FW871528.6 km 310°2025-03-13 20:30:04
F6ZBY28.9 km 46°2025-03-13 22:11:26 EL-F4IMV29.3 km 358°2025-02-15 11:12:50
EL-F4AUV29.3 km 358°2025-03-05 23:59:32 EL-F1DUV29.3 km 358°2025-03-13 22:10:21
EL-F1SUI29.3 km 358°2025-03-13 22:07:07 EL-F1RMS29.3 km 358°2025-03-13 22:09:20
EL-F6HRL29.3 km 358°2025-03-13 22:08:40 F4ICR29.4 km 359°2025-03-13 22:03:26
F4ICR-729.5 km 359°2025-02-13 00:10:34 EL-F1ZUJ29.5 km 359°2025-03-13 22:05:03
F6KMX29.9 km 4°2025-03-13 22:00:02 F6CNB-1330.0 km 310°2025-03-13 22:00:54
F4HUO-930.3 km 46°2025-03-02 17:35:48 F5VO30.3 km 123°2025-03-09 15:21:58
F5LGW30.4 km 357°2025-03-06 19:51:17 EL-F5POE30.4 km 287°2025-03-13 21:51:04
F5POE30.4 km 287°2025-03-13 22:10:21 EL-F5LGW31.0 km 358°2025-03-13 22:10:59
F5LGW-D31.1 km 358°2025-03-13 22:05:09 F5LGW-N31.1 km 358°2025-03-13 22:03:29
F5LGW-731.1 km 358°2025-02-23 16:25:57 F1IUQ-131.4 km 335°2025-03-08 14:07:16
F1IUQ-231.4 km 335°2025-03-13 20:12:47 F1ZRD B31.4 km 335°2025-03-13 22:04:27
F1ZRD-B31.4 km 335°2025-03-13 22:04:37 F1IUQ31.4 km 335°2025-03-10 16:07:27
F1ZVL C31.4 km 335°2025-03-13 22:03:57 F1ZVL-C31.4 km 335°2025-03-13 22:04:07
F1IUQ-1031.4 km 335°2025-03-13 22:07:08 F5UGQ31.4 km 5°2025-02-17 18:38:22
F1IUQ-731.4 km 335°2025-03-06 10:16:44 F5VO-931.5 km 123°2025-03-09 15:52:48
F6KBS-331.5 km 317°2025-03-13 22:01:32 F4IED-1131.6 km 295°2025-03-13 22:04:18
F4IED-1231.6 km 295°2025-03-13 22:09:11 F4DVX-931.7 km 146°2025-02-13 15:47:18
F4HUO32.1 km 23°2025-03-02 11:17:34 F4HUO-132.1 km 23°2025-03-02 11:10:42
F5GSJ-332.8 km 30°2025-03-13 22:04:43 F5DAN33.0 km 349°2025-03-13 15:16:04
F4ANU33.0 km 349°2025-02-22 08:00:33 F4HUO-1033.1 km 19°2025-03-13 22:01:34
F4HKS-1033.3 km 334°2025-03-03 17:02:12 F4HKS-133.4 km 336°2025-03-13 17:22:13
F1EDJ-533.7 km 337°2025-02-24 13:06:09 F5ZSO-1033.8 km 354°2025-03-13 22:12:16
F5ZSO33.8 km 354°2025-03-13 22:00:02 F6INI-933.9 km 330°2025-03-10 16:55:58
F4GRR-N33.9 km 212°2025-02-25 10:33:38 F4GRR B33.9 km 212°2025-03-03 22:40:23
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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