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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of DG2SAX-7
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
DB0RAB-6437.2 m 338°2025-03-13 15:56:44 DG2SAX-122.4 km 173°2025-03-13 14:46:21
DG2SAX-92.6 km 167°2025-03-11 15:18:48 DM/BW-8463.2 km 320°2025-03-09 14:44:31
DG9GAL-93.3 km 158°2025-02-28 15:43:05 DL3TU-73.3 km 156°2025-03-09 13:38:32
DG2SAX-153.3 km 158°2025-03-13 11:29:15 DG2SAX3.3 km 158°2025-03-13 15:23:42
DG2SAX-103.3 km 158°2025-03-13 15:52:26 DG2SAX-143.3 km 158°2025-03-13 15:39:03
DG9GAL-123.3 km 158°2025-03-05 15:39:33 DG2SAX-113.4 km 158°2025-03-09 14:36:49
DM/BW-0583.8 km 150°2025-03-09 14:57:13 DL3TU/P3.8 km 150°2025-03-09 12:50:09
DL1SEW-66.1 km 277°2025-03-13 15:54:57 DL5VZ-D6.6 km 195°2025-03-13 15:51:02
DL5VZ-Y6.6 km 195°2025-03-10 20:07:37 DB2TU-87.1 km 161°2025-03-13 09:10:34
DL6SFB-77.3 km 351°2025-03-13 14:47:12 P-DG1GHY9.1 km 354°2025-02-11 17:02:08
DL2SBA/P9.2 km 202°2025-02-22 11:00:26 DM/BW-8529.6 km 81°2025-03-09 07:33:42
DH9GZ C11.5 km 20°2025-03-13 15:42:52 DH9GZ-C11.5 km 20°2025-03-13 15:43:02
DB3TH-912.3 km 235°2025-03-11 16:02:49 DO1SJG-112.4 km 189°2025-03-13 07:39:38
P-DK9SAS12.8 km 247°2025-03-13 15:00:44 DK5ATT-913.2 km 245°2025-02-28 11:41:54
DL3SAO13.6 km 11°2025-03-13 14:51:08 DM/BW-14714.7 km 232°2025-03-08 14:54:21
Winterlng16.0 km 147°2025-03-13 15:42:27 DB7FS16.6 km 237°2025-03-08 14:26:42
DB0ROB-1016.9 km 40°2025-03-13 15:52:12 DM/BW-04617.0 km 235°2025-03-08 18:58:13
DC1GB-917.2 km 235°2025-03-08 18:19:36 DC1GB-717.2 km 235°2025-03-08 18:18:46
DB0BIN17.3 km 271°2025-03-13 15:56:43 DB0GKM17.9 km 40°2025-03-13 15:55:25
DB0GKM-1017.9 km 40°2025-03-13 15:55:24 DB8TG-518.3 km 145°2025-02-15 19:29:16
DL2GKM-1118.5 km 37°2025-03-13 15:56:57 DL2GKM-718.5 km 37°2025-02-17 19:50:40
DL2GKM18.5 km 37°2025-03-12 15:56:45 DL2GKM-118.5 km 37°2025-03-13 15:39:22
DL2GKM-618.5 km 37°2025-03-13 15:54:52 DL2GKM-1218.5 km 37°2025-02-16 13:12:23
DL2GKM-1318.5 km 37°2025-02-16 11:27:02 DL2GKM-1018.5 km 37°2025-02-17 09:58:53
DH1VWR-718.8 km 158°2025-03-08 13:44:32 DL2GKM-918.8 km 37°2025-03-13 15:58:11
DL2VWR-718.8 km 158°2025-03-06 15:33:21 DL1VWR-1018.9 km 158°2025-03-13 15:49:15
DL1GSD-919.0 km 346°2025-03-11 17:40:07 P-DL5SMB19.7 km 317°2025-03-13 15:01:32
DO7BBT-N20.6 km 15°2025-03-13 15:44:23 DO7BBT B20.6 km 15°2025-03-13 15:44:03
DO7BBT-B20.6 km 15°2025-03-13 15:44:03 DO4HBR-720.8 km 349°2025-03-12 15:36:33
DM/BW-04120.9 km 222°2025-03-08 08:20:54 DO5RC-1422.3 km 268°2025-03-13 14:28:53
DL4GAL-722.3 km 30°2025-03-07 07:40:18 DL4GAL-822.3 km 29°2025-03-07 07:55:08
DL3TU-1024.0 km 15°2025-03-13 15:57:46 DL3TU-824.0 km 15°2025-03-11 15:25:34
DL3TU-924.1 km 15°2025-03-09 14:27:57 DM/BW-03824.8 km 227°2025-03-08 10:11:25
DL8SDL-925.2 km 37°2025-02-28 17:58:12 DC1GB-1025.3 km 30°2025-03-13 15:43:31
DG8WM-925.6 km 37°2025-03-12 13:02:14 DH5MG-726.1 km 41°2025-03-13 13:45:17
DO4MN-726.3 km 11°2025-03-08 20:35:34 DM/BW-22826.7 km 220°2025-03-02 08:12:44
DG4SFF/P26.7 km 220°2025-03-09 15:56:38 DC1GB/P26.7 km 220°2025-03-09 15:34:50
DL/HB9CRY26.7 km 220°2025-03-04 13:36:03 DB0FMS-1126.9 km 9°2025-03-10 20:32:05
DK0RI-1126.9 km 9°2025-03-10 20:42:40 P-DB0NZZ26.9 km 9°2025-03-13 05:01:13
P-DM4RZ27.0 km 8°2025-03-13 15:01:08 P-DB0FMS27.1 km 33°2025-03-13 15:01:19
DB0FMS-627.1 km 33°2025-02-13 12:12:34 DB0REU B27.1 km 33°2025-03-13 15:49:27
DB0REU-B27.1 km 33°2025-03-13 15:49:37 DB0REU-R27.1 km 33°2025-03-13 15:46:48
P-DG1SGW27.2 km 39°2025-03-05 21:00:39 DL2GFS-927.2 km 340°2025-02-17 17:47:34
DL2GFS-1027.2 km 340°2025-03-13 15:29:47 DA6HS27.6 km 148°2025-03-08 19:25:32
DA0Y-1027.7 km 174°2025-03-13 15:53:52 DB0RT-1027.7 km 40°2025-03-13 15:56:34
DB0RT-1127.7 km 40°2025-02-18 18:38:47 DA6HS-1227.8 km 148°2025-03-05 15:02:07
DA6HS-1027.8 km 148°2025-03-13 15:49:22 DB0KLI-128.0 km 219°2025-03-13 15:54:36
DB0KLI-1228.0 km 219°2025-03-13 15:49:10 DH4WH-928.0 km 36°2025-03-13 15:57:28
P-DB0KLI28.0 km 219°2025-03-13 03:03:01 DB0KLI-1128.0 km 219°2025-03-13 15:58:15
DB0KLI-328.0 km 219°2025-03-13 15:58:15 DM/BW-09928.2 km 41°2025-03-13 09:58:56
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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