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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of CHLSEA
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
W8CMN-92.9 km 127°2025-03-13 20:29:35 FW84184.7 km 75°2025-03-13 21:00:40
N8RZL-76.6 km 151°2025-02-27 11:29:44 KE8GJZ-17.3 km 58°2025-03-13 21:04:47
NX0H-109.3 km 78°2025-02-12 03:57:04 W2GLD-713.4 km 27°2025-03-13 21:05:13
W2GLD-113.4 km 27°2025-03-13 21:05:58 W2GLD13.4 km 27°2025-03-01 19:57:50
W8CED13.4 km 27°2025-03-01 20:34:15 W2GLD-513.4 km 27°2025-02-22 15:48:08
W2GLD-1313.4 km 27°2025-03-13 21:00:18 W2GLD-Y13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:16
W2GLD-D13.4 km 27°2025-02-21 04:00:27 W2GLD X13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:16
W2GLD-X13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:26 W2GLD W13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:00
W2GLD-W13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:05 W2GLD Z13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:05
W2GLD-Z13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:15 W2GLD Y13.4 km 27°2025-03-13 20:55:16
W2GLD T13.4 km 27°2025-03-01 19:55:19 W2GLD-T13.4 km 27°2025-03-01 19:56:28
W8CED T13.4 km 27°2025-03-03 11:15:07 W8CED-T13.4 km 27°2025-03-03 11:15:07
KE8TRL13.9 km 62°2025-03-11 00:07:11 KA1JKB-915.3 km 206°2025-02-17 00:21:51
KA1JKB15.7 km 208°2025-03-13 20:54:43 W8EMT-915.7 km 74°2025-03-01 17:08:41
KA1JKB-715.7 km 208°2025-03-01 21:08:29 KD9LKD-1318.0 km 70°2025-03-13 21:00:04
KD9LKD-118.1 km 70°2025-02-19 22:27:03 N8GVD B18.1 km 26°2025-03-13 20:52:36
N8GVD-B18.1 km 26°2025-03-13 20:52:46 FW607319.7 km 55°2025-03-13 21:08:06
GW585120.1 km 131°2025-03-13 21:06:56 EW706921.2 km 226°2025-03-13 21:00:03
KB8AY21.7 km 90°2025-03-10 22:06:55 KB8AY-722.9 km 94°2025-03-13 20:52:43
KB8AY-1022.9 km 94°2025-03-13 20:52:41 WB8TKL/R23.4 km 124°2025-03-13 21:01:07
EW566024.9 km 13°2025-03-11 12:26:01 N8SBE-1525.2 km 114°2025-02-22 23:03:16
N8AYY-825.5 km 187°2025-03-12 18:16:00 N8AYY-425.8 km 187°2025-03-13 21:06:26
EW060326.0 km 179°2025-03-13 21:08:33 KF8BNW-926.5 km 114°2025-03-11 00:01:29
W8DSB-Y26.6 km 341°2025-03-12 20:36:07 EW592826.7 km 181°2025-03-13 21:07:44
W8TMS27.2 km 20°2025-03-13 09:48:57 W8TMS-727.4 km 33°2025-03-13 09:48:04
KF8BZD-527.9 km 75°2025-02-25 05:44:44 W8LRK-D28.0 km 20°2025-03-13 20:41:33
W8LRK-R28.0 km 20°2025-03-13 20:41:23 W8LRK B28.0 km 20°2025-03-13 20:43:03
W8LRK-B28.0 km 20°2025-03-13 20:43:13 W8DSB-N28.1 km 24°2025-03-13 20:15:35
FW564728.3 km 81°2025-03-13 21:00:32 KI8A B28.4 km 24°2025-03-09 19:25:36
KI8A-B28.4 km 24°2025-03-09 19:25:46 KI8A-Y28.4 km 24°2025-03-13 21:07:08
KC8BSD28.4 km 55°2025-03-13 21:05:04 GW306828.5 km 157°2025-03-13 21:05:58
EW054528.5 km 140°2025-03-13 21:00:56 CW487428.7 km 105°2025-03-13 21:07:17
FW164829.1 km 137°2025-03-13 21:08:15 K8BAC29.2 km 114°2025-03-13 19:44:18
K8BAC-129.2 km 114°2025-03-13 20:28:58 KD8UCF-R29.4 km 34°2025-03-12 04:19:31
EL-30113829.5 km 111°2025-03-13 21:07:28 145.23-UM29.5 km 111°2025-03-13 21:06:58
LRK29.7 km 25°2025-03-13 21:04:59 WG6Z29.9 km 243°2025-02-22 21:41:39
N8JRD-229.9 km 69°2025-03-13 21:08:40 FW787330.0 km 53°2025-03-13 21:05:16
K8SMS-Y30.0 km 24°2025-02-26 09:55:49 W8EMV-N30.1 km 114°2025-03-13 21:08:50
W8EMV-D30.1 km 114°2025-03-13 21:08:30 P-W8EMV30.1 km 114°2025-03-13 21:01:21
DANSVL30.5 km 312°2025-03-13 21:04:02 KF8ABL-1130.6 km 107°2025-02-27 01:32:44
W8UM30.6 km 107°2025-03-13 21:00:33 KD8CJT-130.7 km 107°2025-03-13 20:49:19
W9TNC-1030.7 km 113°2025-03-13 20:45:48 W9TNC-1530.8 km 113°2025-03-13 21:00:44
KE8DDT-730.8 km 107°2025-03-04 03:37:18 ARROW-2M30.9 km 118°2025-03-13 20:59:07
K8SMS-831.0 km 353°2025-03-13 18:43:43 N8TEN-231.5 km 132°2025-03-13 21:07:16
W8CMN-331.6 km 110°2025-03-13 20:29:25 N8WFA-1031.8 km 246°2025-02-20 16:31:27
DW757132.1 km 246°2025-03-13 20:39:01 N8NOE B32.6 km 61°2025-02-28 18:16:33
N8NOE-B32.6 km 61°2025-02-28 18:16:43 N8NOE-D32.6 km 61°2025-02-28 18:24:43
CW554233.1 km 247°2025-03-13 20:59:37 KF8BOT33.1 km 53°2025-03-10 23:40:16
KE8ZLU33.6 km 298°2025-03-13 21:07:31 K8ARC-734.0 km 119°2025-03-07 21:21:20
KF8CGV34.1 km 102°2025-03-03 06:04:38 KC8SFR-734.2 km 296°2025-03-07 17:51:07
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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